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Monday, 4 October 2010

France: the "Niqabitches" protest against burqa ban... in minishorts

I don't think they understand the meaning of "full" in "full veil". From France Soir (Translation: T&P):
You may have run across them through the streets of Paris ... They, are the Niqabitch. Two young woman in her twenties who had the idea of shock parade to show their disapproval of the law on banning the full veil in public, adopted by the MPs on September 14.

In an article published Thursday on Rue89, they explained: "To wear the burqa would have been too simple. So we asked ourselves the following question: how would the authorities deal with women wearing a burqa and a Minishort? And to clarify: "We do not seek to attack or degrade the image of Muslim fundamentalists-all the trip. But rather to challenge the elected officials of the Republic who went after the passing of this law that is believed to be largely unconstitutional ... And finally, LOL it is not (funny) to denounce (this way)? "

These two activists also point out they do not feel directly concerned by the law, therefore, have marched to the Ministry of Defence or the Socialist Party. Will this cause any reaction in high places? In any case, within hours, their work has spread across the Net like wildfire ... and is indeed a bomb.
They don't want to "attack or degrade the image of Muslim fundamentalists". Of course not: we are showing too much skin to please fundamentalists, so please just tell them we are just against French law (the same law fundamentalists are agaist too), not against them. Just in case some fundamentalist feels he has to show us he doesn't like our move...

Niqabitch secoue Paris from NiqaBitch on Vimeo.

Related: Video: The NIQABITCH. Liberals are so stupid.

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