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Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Venezuela: "We are carrying studies to start a nuclear energy program", Chávez says - Chavez: Venezuela Studying Nuclear Program:
"Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Monday that his government is carrying out initial studies into starting a nuclear energy program.
Chavez brought up the issue during a news conference, saying the South American country needs an atomic energy program.
'We're taking on the project of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, and they aren't going to stop us,' Chavez said. 'We need it and we're carrying out the first studies.'
Chavez is a close ally of Iran and has defended the Iranian nuclear program, saying he is sure Iran is not making atomic weapons in spite of U.S. and European suspicions."
Just after the legislative elections in which he lost his "supermajority". Wasn't Venezuela one of the most important oil producers in the world? So, why do they need nuclear energy? Just the same Iran needs it?

If I were Colombian, I would be really worried.