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Thursday, 14 October 2010

Pakistan:Jamaat e Islami chief slams Pope Benedict's statement against Political Islam

ONLINE - International News Network

The Jamaat e Islami cheif, Syed Munawar Hasan, has strongly reacted to the Vatican statement declaring the promotion of political Islam as a great threat, and said that the Vatican had also joined the crusade already going on against Islam and the Muslims.

Commenting on the Vatican statement, he said this showed that the entire talk of inter-faith dialogue and relations and tolerance were a farce.He said the world peace and the Middle East were threatened by the US- Israel collusion while Islam, the Islamic civilization and the Muslim masses were the target of biased Christian rulers, and now the Christian religious leaders too had joined them.

"This should be an eye opener for the Muslim rulers and the Quran burning plan of a priest and the Church was not simply a brain child of a singe mind as the whole Christ ian world and the Vatican were behind the move, " he pointed out. (Note: of course, the Pope, who is Catholic as eerybody knows, is behind the move of Terry Jones, who has his own church, to burn the Quran,....).

The JI chief explained that Islam had its own political system, its culture and civilization, besides also delivering an economic system based on equity and service to the humanity.

He berated the way the Western civilization and the capitalistic system had divided the humanity had added to poverty and started an arms race. "Islam provided political and economic solutions to the current human problems," he added.

Pope: False gods of terrorism, drugs must be unmasked.

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